Andrew Hartman
General Manager, Western Canada
Brief info
Education: Educated in Montreal and Attended McGill University. I Was licensed
In KLM Flight Dispatch in Amsterdam, Holland.
Career Record:
- Operations Officer at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines .
- Station Manager for KLM and Northwest Airlines in YHZ , YOW ,YYZ , YYC , YVR .
- Responsible for all Northern And Eastern Charter and Military Operations for KLM Including YYR and YQX.
- Operations and Dispatch Examiner for KLM
- USA FAA Ground Security Coordinator
- Airport Consultant Vanderlande Industries .
Languages Spoken:
English , French , Spanish , Hungarian, Dutch.
Having managed International and Transborder Airlines for over 45 years. Andrew brings to CanSky Aviation a wealth of experience in all aspects of Airport operations and Services. He has successfully set up all avenues of facilitation and established new bases at Airports in Western Canada. A Flight Dispatcher by Profession , he has held licenses for most Modern Aircraft. As General Manager, CanSky Aviation for Western Canada, he brings a unique perspective to all aspects of Airport Ground Handling and Services.